I added RSS

Hi, just a quick update to say that I added an RSS feed. I've wanted to add RSS for a while but have been unable to find a good tool to do it, as I didn't want to write the feed manually.

Then I found sup.

sup is from lb by Luke Smith, I had seen this previously but didn't use it as I didn't really know about sup and didn't want to use lb as it seemed like a fully fledged blogging system and I do my website manually.

Using sup is very simple, you just edit the rss.xml file and the sup file to do some basic configuration, then you just run something like: sup new-article.html and it adds it to the rss.xml file (or whatever RSS file you have).

Thanks for reading this little article, the RSS link is https://jesse.lawton.nz/rss.xml - add it to your RSS reader and read my articles!

Tell me what you think by contacting me and I hope you have a great day!
